Our Mission

Essays are one of the most—if not the most—important part of one's application, as they allow the student to highlight their story, background, and experiences to admissions officers. As low-income college students, and some of us also being the first in our family to attend college, we have all experienced the difficulty of the college admissions process—especially the arduous college essays.

After having been accepted to some of our top schools and a handful of the most selective in the country, we all wanted to help those who come from similar financial backgrounds. Some of the schools we have gotten into include:

  • University of California, Berkeley
  • Brown University
  • Columbia University
  • Cornell University
  • Dartmouth University
  • Harvard University
  • University of Notre Dame
  • Stanford University
  • Syracuse University
  • University of Chicago
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Vanderbilt University
  • Yale University

According to a Pew Study, the total share of undergraduate college students who come from poor families increased from 12% in 1996 to 20% in 2016.

We understand that not everyone is able to spend hundreds of dollars on private college guidance—and you do not need to! We want to play a role in increasing college enrollment by low-income students through providing this free college essay editing service. There is absolutely no charge to receive personalized college essay assistance from us, and we will always stand by that.

Money should not be a barrier for any student to not apply to college because they are having difficulty writing the most crucial part of their application. First-generation low-income students should not be restricted from receiving college application essay services purely because of financial concerns.

It can not only be tiring but also incredibly arduous and difficult to write about your experiences in multiple essay prompts varying in lengths and topics. We want to encourage and motivate first-generation low-income students to be able to tell their experiences to the admissions officers in their most confident voices, as their stories matter.

Learn more about us below!

Our Team


Brandon Avendano

I am a recent Brown graduate who studied Sociology (with honors) and a minor in Economics. As a first-generation, low-income (FGLI) Hispanic student from East Las Vegas, I hardly knew what opportunities lay beyond the valley and how to get there. I was fortunate and grateful to receive tremendous college application support through LEDA and can confidently say that without them, I would have never applied nor gotten admittance to the schools I did.

Getting into schools like Swarthmore, Stanford, and Brown was once a dream, and it became a reality. I want other FGLI students to feel confident and comfortable in sharing their true stories by getting rid of the financial barriers that prevent them from getting one-on-one mentorship from those who have undergone the process.

Cecile Schreidah

I am a senior from Toledo, OH, studying infectious epidemiology at Brown University. Brandon and I founded Notable Narratives with a profound understanding of the challenges faced by first-generation, low-income (FGLI) high school students in their pursuit of higher education.

Growing up as an FGLI student myself, I personally experienced the daunting journey of navigating college applications without proper guidance. Recognizing the immense value of mentorship, we established this nonprofit to bridge the gap. What sets us apart is our singular focus on FGLI individuals—there were no organizations catering to both advisors and advisees within this specific community.

Through Notable Narratives, we aspire to provide invaluable support, fostering a generation of empowered FGLI students on their path to academic success.